High Quality
Acrylic Desktop Cutout
Raw Material
High Quality Photo Decal
0.375″ White Acrylic Backing
Base: 4″ x 1.5″ x 0.1875″ Clear Acrylic Riser & Black Acrylic Base
Popular Culture
UNC cheerleader Vic Huggins is credited with beginning the tradition of Ram mascots at UNC. In 1924, Huggins decided that UNC needed an animal mascot similar to N.C. State’s wolf or Georgia’s bulldog. The idea for using a ram came from the nickname for star Tar Heel fullback Jack Merritt, known as the “Battering Ram.”
Huggins ordered a live ram from Texas. They named him Rameses. He made his first appearance on the sidelines was during the UNC-VMI game on November 8, 1924, a hard-fought Carolina victory. Rameses and his descendants have been fixtures at UNC football games ever since.

All materials are made in the USA.
Mascot Name
UNC introduced a costumed Rameses during the 1987-1988 basketball season which also has become an equally important part of the UNC athletics experience.
For the Tar Heel Born and the Tar Heel Bred
Designed in and manufactured in North Carolina
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